Rattlesnake Avoidance Clinic
Sunday, April 27, 2025
7:30 a.m.
Prado Recreation Dog Park
17505 Euclid Ave, Chino, CA 91708
Cost: $95.00 per Dog

Rattlesnakes are a big problem for dog owners in Southern California. They can be found year-round but generally are most active in early spring through late fall. Most snake bites occur during these months. Dogs are very prone to snake bites, and when they occur, the cost for veterinary care is very expensive. It can be in the thousands of dollars. Also, depending on the severity and location of the bite, they can be fatal.
These are a few scenarios where a dog may get bit by a rattlesnake:
1. Hunting dogs with their high prey instinct will sometimes attack a rattlesnake. They are attracted by the movement, sound and also the smell of a rattlesnake.
2. Dogs running around while hunting or playing in the outdoors can step on or run near a rattlesnake and get bit.
3. Often when a dog encounters a rattlesnake, it will approach it out of curiosity, this can result in a snake bite.
SoCal NAVHDA is offering a Rattlesnake Avoidance Clinic. The cost of the clinic is $95.00 per dog. There is the usual $15.00 per person fee to enter Prado Dog Park. Chapter Members and non-members are welcome to attend this clinic. Dogs don't have to be hunting dogs to benefit from this training. Any dog that is exposed to areas where rattlesnakes may be present will benefit. Enrollment in the clinic will be limited to 30. To reserve a spot, email us at:, then make payment using the PayPal button below.
The director of the clinic is Richard "Andy" Andrews. Andy is an experienced Dog Trainer and also the game keeper at Etiwanda Game Association, (EGA). Dogs will be taught to avoid rattlesnakes by sight, sound and smell.
For questions regarding the clinic contact: Tim Shepard (626) 840-8464.